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Financial News ,Retirement ,Financial Professionals ,Financial Planning ,Performance ,Financial Advisor ,Wealth Management

The SECURE ACT, Qualified Plan Updates, Judy Lynch VP LIEBG / 4Thought Financial Group

In this video Judy Lynch, QPA QKC, Vice President of Long Island Employee Benefits Group presents the recent changes in the regulation of Employer-Sponsored ERISA Retirement Plans related to the SECURE Act. This is important information for any employer, accountant, or financial services professional to be aware of. If you offer your employees a 401k, profit sharing plan, or pension through your business and you’re not familiar with the SECURE Act’s changes, this video is well worth watching. Please reach out to us at 4Thought with any questions or for help with your retirement plan.
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Financial News ,Financial Professionals ,Financial Planning ,Pro Tips

“Conducting” the tax strategy of your clients

CPA's are always looking to mitigate their client's tax liabilities. CPA's can coordinate various parts of a client's investment strategy to accomplish this.

A tax professional can act similarly to a “conductor” in an orchestra.  They direct the tune, the instruments used and how the end product sounds.  They can make the appropriate changes as they see fit and understand how powerful their actions are in making the show.

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Financial News ,Financial Professionals ,Investment Strategy ,Business Finance ,Pro Tips

How Can CPAs Mitigate Their Client's Risk? Ask “How Does This Tie In With the Rest of Your Finances?"

CPAs must ask the right questions to mitigate their clients risk. One of these questions is asking how an investment ties in with the overall picture.

Investment professionals and entities alike should always ask “How Does This Tie In With the Rest of Your Finances?”.  It is an important enough question that even from service providers such as attorneys and CPAs, often does not get asked enough to their clients.

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Financial News ,Financial Professionals ,Investment Strategy

Liquid Transparent Alternatives to Hedge Funds and Private Equity

An alternative approach to alternative investment methods.

Gaining exposure to low-correlation diversifying investment methods by the conventional route – direct subscription to Hedge Funds and Private Equity Limited Partnerships – is fraught with difficulties. Such investments require accredited investor status; lack of transparency with respect to strategies, underlying investments, and performance reporting; high fees (usually an asset based fee and a percentage of gains); low liquidity, lock-up periods, infrequent redemptions, and surrender charges; and ongoing capital commitments (with private equity) that may be difficult for clients to meet. But there are alternative routes to getting exposures to the strategies and risk premiums employed by Hedge Funds and Private Equity.

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Financial News ,Personal Investing ,Financial Professionals ,Investment Strategy

Systematic Investing Specialization: The 4Thought Difference

We consider ourselves advocates for the idea of systematic savings and investment.

We consider ourselves advocates for the idea of systematic savings and investment, and we have developed focused proprietary strategies to potentially maximize the benefits of this process for our investors.

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Financial News ,Financial Professionals ,Investment Strategy ,Financial Planning ,Pro Tips

Embrace Technology & Methodology Together To Optimize Conservation of Capital

Embracing technology and a solid investment methodology allows financial advisors to better conserve capital. Learn how turnkey asset allocation helps.

Financial professionals are starting to grasp the power of technology as a tool to manage client assets. A savvy financial professional will not only utilize technology but will develop a corresponding investment methodology and strategy behind it.

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Financial News ,Financial Professionals ,Investment Strategy ,Financial Planning ,Pro Tips

Utilize SMAs with Unique Investment Strategies to Mitigate Your Client's Risk

Financial advisors can leverage SMAs with unique strategies to help mitigate risk and to help better engage their clients.

Investment professionals can utilize specialized Separately Managed Accounts (SMAs) as a way to mitigate the risk of their clients. SMAs can be customized by investing in certain securities or certain strategies. They may, for example, wish to screen for equities or fixed income and invest according to a selective or opportunistic strategy.

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Financial News ,Retirement ,Financial Professionals ,Financial Planning ,Pro Tips

Have A Difficult Conversation Now to Optimize Transfer of Wealth

Properly identifying assets and goals helps CPAs have an easier time with estate planning, along with having the appropriate products and strategies to help.

The subject of what to do with assets after retirement or death is an understandably difficult topic to address. Upset family members, lost documents and the absence of the grantor after death are among some of the difficulties that tax professionals face. But the ultimate difficulty lies in having the conversation in the first place.

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Financial News ,Financial Professionals ,Investment Strategy ,Financial Planning ,Pro Tips

Identify Unique Goals and Strategies to Optimize Transfer of Wealth

Financial advisors must identify unique strategies and goals for their clients' wealth and the wealth of their heirs in order to drive their success.

Clients want to utilize their wealth to meet unique goals that they have. Charitable gifting, leaving assets to family members or even having enough for one last hurrah with friends requires a unique investment strategy for unique goals.

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Financial News ,Financial Professionals ,Investment Strategy ,Financial Planning ,Pro Tips

Diversify The Tax Harvest To Simplify Asset Allocation

Diversification enhances tax harvesting for CPAs by providing a wider selection of investments to harvest while providing diversification to mitigate risk.

Tax loss harvesting involves the selling of a security that has experienced a loss. By selling the security, the investor realizes or "harvests" that loss and is able to offset taxes on both gains and income. The security that was sold is replaced by a similar one, which maintains the optimal asset allocation.

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