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4Thought Financial Group is an independent SEC Registered Investment Adviser (an RIA). We provide both comprehensive wealth management services and investment advisory services, offered and paid for separately. We pride ourselves on keeping open lines of communication with our clients and on using the best aspects of both technology and actual human interaction in our goal of delivering an ever-wealthier, and ever-happier future for you and your family.

High Impact Strategies

In addition to the passive strategic asset allocation approaches, we offer the investor access to highly active liquid, low-cost, transparent alternatives to hedge funds and private equity, as well as to fixed income investments with actual maturity dates. Investments with these types of exposures have historically only been available at much higher cost and/or at much higher investment minimums. Your portfolio may include not only exchange traded funds, but also individual securities (stocks and bonds), even at smaller account sizes.

 View our recent performance information here

Low-Cost Management and Full Service Advice

We charge a wrap fee of 0.55%-1.55% per year (depending on your asset mix, account size, and service requirements), paid quarterly in arrears. This includes our fee for management of the portfolio; the advisory services of a dedicated investment advisor representative and our entire team (for guidance related to the portfolio we manage for you); brokerage costs (with no transaction charges on trades); and custody costs (you do not pay a separate annual custody charge – even for IRAs – but some special requests may require additional charges from the custodian). We do not charge a minimum dollar amount account fee. The only other ongoing expenses you may incur are internal exchange traded fund expense ratios, which are a “hidden cost” priced into the value of any ETFs we may use in your portfolio. ETF expenses range from 

0.09% to 0.42% of the account value per year (depending on the portfolio strategy), with an average of 0.15%. All performance data is reported net of any ETF-related expenses.

We offer multiple investment methods managed in a coordinated manner to meet your objectives.

Strategic Asset Allocation
For Bull Markets
Liability-Driven Investing
For Bear Markets
Opportunistic Investing
For Wolf Markets
Selective/Concentrated Investing
For Eagle Markets

The Best of Technology and the Human Touch

We’re able to provide a high level of accessibility and inclusiveness (even for “active” or “tactical” approaches) through the efficiency of in-house management, using proprietary formulaic data-driven (algorithmic) investment processes, which enable lower costs and the removal of many of the negative aspects of human emotional decision from the investment process. However, we strive to combine the best aspects of technology with the best aspects of humanity. The creativity and flexibility of human strategy developers and client-facing advisors is a critical part of our process.



We require a minimum initial investment of only $500 for taxable accounts and $10,000 for IRAs. However, our IRA minimum initial investment is also reduced to $500 for investors that commit to a monthly systematic investment of at least $500/month, as well as for investors that sign up for our comprehensive wealth management retainer services.

Comprehensive Wealth Management Available

Subscribing to our separate comprehensive wealth management services allows for coordination of your estate planning, business-related planning, employee benefits, and investment planning with your ongoing investment portfolio management. Think of this as a full-service upgrade that allows you to have both the low-cost benefits of automated portfolio management and the high-touch human creativity of a traditional comprehensive financial planning team.

Learn more about our wealth management services

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